Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Humorous Anecdote

Dear Inconsiderate IHOP Customer,
                So it’s 10:49pm and IHOP closes at 11pm. Instead of going to the 24/7 diner literally a block away, you decided IHOP would be a better choice. I just cleaned all of the syrups and filled all of the sugar trays, and you and your loud obnoxious friends come and sit down. Well first of all, pretending to be nice and happy to see you is eating me alive. When I say, “Hi!, How are you?”, and you ask me how I am in return, I would love to be honest, but I need my job right now.
                I just realized that there is nothing more repulsive then watching people eat on my time. At times like these, I think to myself, has ANYBODY ever seen the movie “Waiting”? Well if you haven’t, basically, don’t be a jerk to the people serving your food. Sometimes I play with the thought of spitting in your food, but I don’t think I would be able to sleep at night. Just kidding, I’d sleep like a baby, that is, if I ever got to leave IHOP and go home to sleep.
                Besides the fact that you’re ordering food 5 minutes before the restaurant is closed, why not order our all you can eat pancake special, right? At this point, my hopes of leaving before 12am are out the door. When I put the check on your table with my fake smile, and you ask to see the dessert menu, I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone as much as you.
To sum things up for you:
Please don’t come into a restaurant right before they are about to close. You are holding up a whole staff of people who can’t wait to get leave, or even more, kill you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Media and Audiences

Magazines have a negative effect on body image. Many magazines focus on what an “ideal” female today should look like. When looking through a magazine, many of the articles are based on “How to Look Good”, and some even target celebrities and their bodies. Many people try to attain the same looks as a model seen in a magazine. The media has cemented into so many young women’s brain what “beauty” is. Many people don’t realize that all of the pictures in a magazine are altered and usually misleading. The pressure to look a certain way today is out of control. Statistics say that approximately 1 out of 4 college aged woman have an eating disorder. Magazines and other advertisements in the media portray an unrealistic body image for woman. Ultimately, this causes unhealthy methods of weight control in today’s society.