Thursday, September 30, 2010


        Family is a group of people that unconditionally love eachother, and always and respectful and supportive of one another. Family is one of the most important aspects in any person's life. A generalization for a family is typically a mother, a father, and children that are all biologically related. Today, families come in all different shapes and sizes. Some families have same sex parents, some families have single parents, some families have two children, some have seven, some are adopted and so on. No matter what the exterior of a family may be, the most important aspects of a family is love, trust, and respect. An amazing thing about  family is that no matter what situation is thrown at them, a family can always get through it with eachother's support.

        An example of all the important aspects of a family consist of on television is the TV show Sister, Sister. The two girls in the show are twin sisters who are seperated at birth and adopted by two different people. Once they discover eachother, their families combine and live together. Although their parents are not biological, their family has a lot of love and respect for one another, which is a key factor in all of their happiness. A family does not need to be biologically related or be the "typical" family to have the most important attributes that make up what a family should really be.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome Post

Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm not sure where to start or what exactly to say, so I guess I'll just talk a little about myself. This is my first year at Nassau, and I'm really excited to begin this new chapter of my life. English has always been my favorite subject and I'm sure that will continue throughout college.
Although I'm kind of stuck with what to write on my blog, I really do like the idea of having one, and hopefully I'll start to get the hang of it. I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite class this semester and I can't wait to see!